Research supports the value of tutoring. A 1990 study showed that "research suggests that if under-prepared students receive enough tutoring regularly and obtain tutoring early enough, they will earn higher grades than students with equivalent ability who are not tutored," and that they "remained in college longer than comparable students who were not tutored." [Refer - 1 below]
An earlier study had showed the same: "Tutored students outperformed control students on examinations, and they also developed positive attitude toward the subject matter covered in the tutorial programs." [Refer - 2 below]
1 Maxwell, Martha, "Does Tutoring Help? A Look at the Literature" Review of Research in Development Education 1990 Vol.7, No.4, p. 4, 6. Retrieved 11/25/11.
2 Peter Cohen, James A. Kulik, and Chen-Lin C. Kulik, "Educational Outcomes of Tutoring: A Meta-analysis of Findings" American Educational Research Journal 1982 Vol. 19, No.2, p.237. Retrieved 11/25/11.
Research supports the value of tutoring. A 1990 study showed that "research suggests that if under-prepared students receive enough tutoring regularly and obtain tutoring early enough, they will earn higher grades than students with equivalent ability who are not tutored," and that they "remained in college longer than comparable students who were not tutored." [Refer - 1 below]
An earlier study had showed the same: "Tutored students outperformed control students on examinations, and they also developed positive attitude toward the subject matter covered in the tutorial programs." [Refer - 2 below]
1 Maxwell, Martha, "Does Tutoring Help? A Look at the Literature" Review of Research in Development Education 1990 Vol.7, No.4, p. 4, 6. Retrieved 11/25/11.
2 Peter Cohen, James A. Kulik, and Chen-Lin C. Kulik, "Educational Outcomes of Tutoring: A Meta-analysis of Findings" American Educational Research Journal 1982 Vol. 19, No.2, p.237. Retrieved 11/25/11.
Preston Fields, Ph.D. Owner, Education Director Cell: (818) 253-5365 FAX: (661) 215-5171 [email protected] |